The story of working on Blackbraid I is an interesting one for sure. Jon (Sgah’gahsowáh) and I met at an Opeth show at the end of 2021, we got chitchatting about music and Black Metal for a couple minutes before they came on stage. I mentioned that I record, mix, and master music along with having a couple projects of my own. He told me that he had some music that he was writing and looking to get it off the ground but needed help with drums and the whole recording process, so before we parted ways we exchanged contact information and in the morning I woke up to an e-mail from him with a rough demo of “Barefoot Ghost”.
Needless to say, I instantly liked it and emailed him back letting him know that I would absolutely be down to help him out. The whole recording process went super smooth, we had the whole album done within just a couple months! He then started reaching out to YouTube promotion channels, heavily promoted it on Instagram, and it just naturally took off, for the first week or two “Barefoot Ghost” only had a couple thousand views and then suddenly the views exploded. I’m forever honored and blessed to play a part in the projects journey.